The Test!

The Test!
Episode: 102
Season: 1
Chris is stoked because he got a Holo9, the ultimate holographic gaming system! But Chris starts to feel a twinge of guilt when he hears that a sick boy in the hospital would like to have one. It takes Superbook’s assistance to turn Chris around after he meets Abraham and Issac. Through Abraham's obedience to God, Chris learns that you should put God first above all else (even a Holo9), and everything else will work out.
Watch The Full EpisodeLesson:
Put God first, above all else.
Character Profiles
Adventure Guide
The Test! - The Salvation Poem
The Test! - The Salvation Poem
Sarah Laughs
Young Isaac
The Promise to Abraham
Three Visitors
Abraham Hears from God
Take Your Son
The Lord Provides
Q & A
How did Abraham's life show that God wants to bless us?
What can we learn from Abraham and Sarah having a baby when they were "too old" to have a baby?
How can we have a relationship with God like Abraham's relationship with God?
What does Abraham's life show us as to what should be most important to us?
Does Abraham's experience with Isaac show us that God will provide for us?
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